Former currency of France.
1Four such guilds are mentioned (1) the -Capitolini- (Cicero, ad Q. fr.
2L. J. N. Monmerque and F. Michelin Theatre fr.
3By running this magazine single handedly since the last 20 years, Fr.
4This will go now to my fellow Dominicans at Norwich, to Fr.
5À la carte, Fr., according to the bill of fare at table.
6Rich, entitled Suma de la Vida del R. S. Cardenal Don Fr.
7Born in Galway city 55 years ago, he was educated locally in Fr.
8The Vatican is Taiwan's only diplomatic tie in Europe and Fr.
9Sir, - In the light of recent events, highlighted by Fr.
10Today, the same Rotti is published and printed in Goa; Fr.
11An opportunity to widen the debate has been dismissed by Fr.
12Fermin Franco de Lasuen, and the priests in charge are named as Fr.
13Helix is more effective in fragmentation in vitro clots than the 6 Fr.
14The mediæval teaching on almsgiving is very well summarised by Fr.
15The latter suffered a severe reverse at Calicut, and from thence despatched Fr.
16So I went, and who should it be but Sir Fr.