A succulent perennial plant of the species Hylotelephium telephium with tall flower stems.
Examples for "livelong"
Examples for "livelong"
1His face was the only one I saw during the livelong day.
2On they rowed and on they rowed for all that livelong night.
3You couldn't keep watch every livelong minute of every livelong day.
4All the livelong day Odysseus and his men sat and feasted.
5The livelong day he looks open-mouthed towards heaven and never stops addressing Zeus.
1Aaron's rod was then laid up before the Holy Ark by Moses.
2I burst into real blossom for him-likeAaron'srod, was it not?
3He pronounced to be Aaron's rod, which budded and blossomed as the rose.
4Further differences betwixt these two powers, see in Gillespie's Aaron's Rod, Book 2, Chap.
5It was Aaron's rod, then, and was an almond branch!
1Take two shoots of live-forever and pin them together on the wall.
1Passed Mr. Orpine's at Ardtilly, and another of the same name at Killowen.
1Frog's stomach was full long before mine, so he came over to give me tips on improving my aim.