A quantity that is added or subtracted in order to increase the accuracy of a scientific measure.
Examples for "correction"
Examples for "correction"
1Later studies show a bank crisis makes the correction deeper and longer.
2Conclusion: RGP correction offers the best visual acuity quality for myopia subjects.
3The S&P 500 just suffered its quickest correction since the Great Depression.
4The correction of the life habits was of course the fundamental need.
5The deepening correction in the Chinese property market has increased this risk.
1And it turns out that it shrinks the fudge factor completely.
2He later disavowed the cosmological constant, calling this fudge factor his "greatest mistake."
3There's a fudge factor, but it's not worth discussing.
4Some call these numbers fundamental constants; others call them fudge factors.
5Are they just fudge factors?
6"How much of a fudge factor?"