This cyclic redoxreaction of the metal generates OH.
Taken together these data demonstrate that H296 is responsible for proton exchange in the redoxreaction.
Flavin-based electron-bifurcation is a mechanism that couples an exergonic redoxreaction to an endergonic one allowing energy conservation in anaerobic microorganisms.
This provides mass spectrometric evidence for the mechanism of the nitro to amine conversion process during nitroreduction, an important redoxreaction involved in carcinogenesis.
Re-evaluating these previous data we here discuss a mechanism, by which the redoxreaction of N2 induces conformational changes possibly leading to proton translocation.
We also discuss higher harmonics included in a limit cycle describing the isolated oscillator, dependence on the redoxreaction, and hysteresis due to a bistability.
The opposite reaction was also observed on the same charged surface during a simulation of duration about 10 ps; it is a reversible redoxreaction.
Flavoproteins participate in a wide variety of physiologically relevant processes that typically involve redoxreactions.
Copper-dependent enzymes mediate electron transfer and other redoxreactions.
Diet constituents can modulate redoxreactions and the oxidative stress extent, thus also acting on nuclear gene expression.
These abnormal ligand-manipulated redoxreactions may provide more possibilities for the chemical transformation of existing nanostructures into more complex ones.
Redoxreactions go beyond what is commonly described as oxidative stress and involve redox mechanisms linked to signaling and metabolism.
The structural and biophysical results are discussed in relation to possible roles of Miner1 in cellular Fe-S management and redoxreactions.
Meromictic lakes are useful biogeochemical models because of their stratified chemical gradients and separation of redoxreactions down the water column.
NAD plays critical roles in cellular redoxreactions and remains at a sufficient level in the cell to prevent cell death.
Recent studies have uncovered the diverse nature by which redoxreactions and homeostasis contribute to brain physiology, and when dysregulated to pathological consequences.