Highly viscous, black material obtained from the destillation of petroleum.
Examples for "bitumen"
Examples for "bitumen"
1How far did the bitumen and gravel travel on fossil fuel-spewing trucks?
2Making liquid fuels from bitumen requires energy for steam injection and refining.
3With MacRebur's groundbreaking technology, bitumen can be extended with recycled plastic materials.
4Clay and the other fine particles are separated from the bitumen-coated beads.
5The Packhorse creaked under the weight of timber and drums of bitumen.
1Thus petroleum may separate from the gas as asphaltum separates from petroleum.
2Cobblestones were left behind; the large wheels skimmed the fair asphaltum.
3The grade of the oil was 22 Baume gravity with an asphaltum base.
4For some distance round the column is laid the asphaltum pavement.
5The addition of natural asphaltum doubtless caused the name of "asphaltum roofing paper."