Advance planning is key for those facing a long-haul of tuitionpayments.
He found receipts for the airfares and the tuitionpayments for their son.
Police say one syndicate member preyed on international students, promising assistance to obtain loans for tuitionpayments.
An annuity, tuitionpayments for your daughter.
Substantial state funding cuts are forcing public schools to depend more heavily on tuitionpayments to cover operating costs.
Prepaid plans are professionally managed and allow families to lock in future tuitionpayments for universities in a particular state.
In an attempt to retain pupils and tuitionpayments, private schools are trying to lure parents with discounts, scholarships and other benefits.
It would require graduate students to pay taxes on tuitionpayments that are waived by their university as if it were income.
At one meeting in 1990, Rama claimed that his students were treating him with disrespect by being late with their tuitionpayments.
He did all of this voluntarily-sacrificinghis own education, and making a burnt offering of Drake's tuitionpayments-becausehe considered it his Christian duty.
When all the tuitionpayments are finished in three years, Ripp says he will actually be sad that his kids are done and grown.
U.S. universities are getting a glimpse at a plan that would build a small music-royalty fee into the tuitionpayments they receive from students.
Staff members are now able track anything from tuitionpayments for specific students to student immunization status information as mandated by the State of California.
Through government loans and funding from the Mining Qualifications Authority, Mr Lekomanyane was able to secure his R200,000 tuitionpayments.
The youngest of the kids graduated six years ago, ending 11 years of tuitionpayments over the course of 12 years.