Changing ideas about the evolution and functional morphology of Machairodontine felids.
It was a mix of canids and felids, with a few big snakes.
Several other Pleistocene felids that have been regarded as pumas seem to be related forms.
We found a significant negative relationship between climatic variability and integration for canids and felids.
FIP has also been identified in wild felids and FIP-like disease is now a growing problem among pet ferrets.
Perhaps the characteristics of the prey animals themselves could provide some clues as to how the felids might have fed.
The two large felids in this study achieved increased cranial strength by increasing skull bone volume relative to surface area.
The concept of animal fibre is an unexplored area of interest relevant to gastrointestinal health of captive cheetahs and likely other felids.
However, larger felids are able to produce greater gapes for a given angle of jaw opening, and they have overall stronger skulls.
However, little is known about the current status of threatened and endangered felids, which coexist in the Northeastern portion of the Peninsula.
However, occupancy of both felids was similar between grids in both study areas, indicating that this population metric was less sensitive than density.
Among canids, variability in temperature was the key climatic variable, while in felids it was a combination of variability in temperature and precipitation.
Jaguar is the largest felid in the Americas and is considered an important ecological key species.
The neotropical E. oligarthrus parasite is capable of developing in any felid species and producing human infections.
Occupancy of important felid prey (cottontail rabbits and mule deer) was similar across levels of urbanization, although elk occupancy was lower in urbanized areas.
Changing ideas about the evolution and functional morphology of Machairodontine felids.