Then choose some other line of work, to which you can giveundivided attention and devotion.
Better choose some other line of work, to which you can giveundivided attention and devotion.
Tommy's mother kept her little home in order and looked after the invalid, so that Jane could giveundivided attention to her growing business.
Then we could better understand, how difficult it was for poor hungry listeners to giveundivided attention to spiritual exhortations on an empty stomach.
More than that, as I said before, if there is any tribunal that could giveundivided time and dignified attention, is it not this committee?
While the work is in progress it should be givenundivided attention.
"Yes, master?" Yal halted fueling the stove in order to giveundivided attention.
At once Angut turned, and gaveundivided attention to the subject, while the seaman described his recent conversation with Okiok.
When one givesundivided attention to the (vital) breath, and brings it to the utmost degree of pliancy, he can become as a (tender) babe.