Background and purpose: Women have increasedlifetime stroke risk and more disabling strokes compared with men.
Collectively, recent findings from Africa illustrate an increasedlifetime risk to hypertension from foetal life onwards.
Mutation carriers have an increasedlifetime risk of developing colorectal cancer as well as other extracolonic tumours.
Americans are generally living longer, which is a factor in their increasedlifetime chance of developing type 2 diabetes.
This suggests additional influences of birth cohort or period effects so that individuals in later-born cohorts have an increasedlifetime risk.
Importance: Germline pathogenic variants in BRCA1 and BRCA2 predispose to an increasedlifetime risk of breast cancer.
Observational studies have shown an increasedlifetime risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in women who experienced a hypertensive disorder in pregnancy.
Mutations in tumor suppressor genes BRCA1 and BRCA2 confer an increasedlifetime risk of breast and ovarian cancer.
Results: Adding irritability as a tenth Criterion A symptom increasedlifetime prevalence by 0.4% (from 11.2 to 11.6%).
PMID: 25561694 Observational studies have shown an increasedlifetime risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in women who experienced a hypertensive disorder in pregnancy.