Idioma da interface
inglês: dressed nicely (1601) - reached the crag (1700)
dressed nicely
establish a family
incredible blessing
prompt a review
annotated by
prison authority
separate corruption
motivated murders
supercilious way
canine teeth
major landmark
big sticking
seemed unnecessary
include fully
paid the tuition
vibrated into
everlasting question
general slump
talented teams
showing tonight
modified under
baseline heart
feels interested
included past
triumphant howl
secret sort
is a tiger
least older
moderately overweight
detached from
attack new
nearest cave
deserted path
own venom
bloom early
canadian neighbors
fine linen
have a trailer
demands control
feeling a surge
conspicuous sign
grown beard
national shutdown
drunken brute
winning footballer
resign after
had flow
involved sexual
give buyers
appeal to facts
breaking red
elapsed without
avowed enemy
describe trends
ecclesiastical preferments
wielded power
flared up
augmented strength
raised stage
international brands
climbed the ladder
sending more
resulting action
wrongfooted by
perishable body
was ample
best innovations
remaining pictures
old sealer
found particularly
panic like
seen all things
most test
long tradition
trusted hands
broken fence
predestined one
seeking explanations
subsequent sections
international advocacy
cold politeness
european politics
expand the role
play some poker
private pension
other donations
pusillanimous policy
missed consensus
stroll out
considerable factor
ish actress
dark angle
technical finesse
hit the key
turning a look
combined naval
reached the crag