Examples for "annamites"
Examples for "annamites"
1The Annamites were something awful to see.
2To the sailors, Annamites, Tonquinese, or "Black Flags" are all of the same Chinese family.
3In the late afternoon, returning home in the half-light, she overtook a convoy of lorries driven by Annamites.
4But the last lorry had drawn alongside, and a French sergeant descended from it and joined the Annamites.
5Chinese, Arabs and Annamites made signs and gibbered, but none cared whether they were in amity or enmity.
1Vietnam War protestors call on government to apologise to the Vietnamese people.
2Two more Vietnamese people are thought to have died of bird flu.
3These actions serve the legitimate interests of the American people and the Vietnamese people.
4That's the sort of thing that appeals to Vietnamese people.
5They included the 39 Vietnamese people found dead in a refrigerated lorry last October.
Translations for annamite people