Institution of the European Union that encompasses the whole judiciary.
Examples for "curia"
Examples for "curia"
1Unlike the Grecian phratry and the Roman curia, it had no official head.
2Before the great curia regis the case was very simple.
3The curia, as the Vatican bureaucracy is known, grew more powerful, stagnant and corrupt.
4The only member that discharged functions in the oldest constitutional organization was the -curia-.
5The development suggests resistance remains in the Holy See curia to the pope's reform process.
1The judgment can be appealed to the CJEU on points of law.
2The owners took their case to a French court which asked the CJEU for guidance.
3The German court subsequently sought guidance from the CJEU.
4The CJEU will issue its ruling on Dec. 19.
5A judgment is likely to come next year while the losing party can appeal to the CJEU.
1The Luxembourg-based Court of Justice of the European Union rejected the arguments.
2It then went to the Court of Justice of the European Union (ECJ).
3Companies can appeal to the Court of Justice of the European Union on points of law.
4The Commission then appealed to the Court of Justice of the European Union (ECJ).
5They then appealed to the Luxembourg-based Court of Justice of the European Union (ECJ).
6Show Hide The Luxembourg-based court of justice of the European Union is the highest court in Europe.
7The losing side can appeal to the Court of Justice of the European Union on points of law.
8The eight advocates general work for the court of justice of the European Union, not the European commission
9Poland's tobacco industry welcomed the government's appeal, to be made to the Court of Justice of the European Union.
10A French judge then sought advice from the Luxembourg-based Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU).
11The opinion by Henrik Saugmandsgaard Øe, advocate general at the Luxembourg-based Court of Justice of the European Union, is non-binding.
12The German court subsequently sought guidance from the Luxembourg-based Court of Justice of the European Union (ECJ), Europe's highest.
13The opinion came from Manuel Campos Sanchez-Bordona, advocate general at the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU).
14Health has been an important theme in the work of the Court of Justice of the European Union in the last month.
15The case came before the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) following a complaint by French tourism association AHTOP.
16Commission duty recovery claims can be appealed to the Court of Justice of the European Union (ECJ), the EU's highest court.
Translations for court of justice of the european union