Lowercase family name affix.
Statistic used in signal detection theory; sensitivity index.
Examples for "de "
Examples for "de "
1 What he said Speaking after the match de Villiers said: Extremely happy.
2 Peter de Lange agreed the beefed-up government measures were a good start.
3 Six year down de road, he be president o' de Confederate States?
4 Charles de Gaulle hardly intended to help jump-start the Israeli technology scene.
5 Read: What do the Tour de France winners earn in prize money?
1 The Lusiad tells the story of the voyage of Vasco da Gama.
2 R. da Costa Porta, who died in the Egyptian expedition of 1882.
3 In the Voyage autour du Monde of the Comte da Beauvoir, chap.
4 Her da was coming home, with Bev, and her new baby brother.
5 The heads of the conspiracy were Pierro Cennami and Giovanni da Chivizzano.
1 The fort of Saint Juan d' Ulloa remained in our hands in pledge.
2 Let us tell what followed in the words of the Duc d' Alençon :
3 A coup d' état is an event with immediate obvious and decisive results.
4 Clinical results were excellent according to a median Merle - d' Aubigné score of 18.
5 The Vicomte d' Audierne was thus left in full possession of the field.
6 The fight is known in history as the battle of Porto d' Anzo .
7 In practice the same results are obtained as with the d' Hondt rule.
8 The Fifth French Army under General Franchet d' Espérey made the same advance.
9 You say that you have five letters which compromise the Countess d' Albert .
10 Her son was the Duc d' Alencon ; and as they both remained incog.
11 Hugh d' Argent watched the dawn break-a silver rift in the purple sky.
12 Few recent Palme d' Or winners have had much impact in the States.
13 And General Franchet d' Esperey also insisted on the necessity of Allied assistance.
14 He was then Chargé d' Affaires in Paris, and later Minister in Switzerland.
15 As you may imagine, everybody in the district knows the d' Imbleval - Vaurois story.
16 The Mont d' Amance was violently bombarded; a German brigade marched on Pont-à-Mousson.
Other examples for "d'"
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