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Uso de entr'acte en inglés
The flowers and the note were delivered in the first entr'acte.
The entr'acte was nearly over when the door opened and two gentlemen stumbled over Mr. Lipscomb's legs.
At last the act ended; the entr'acte elapsed; the play went on again-andstill the seat was empty.
The entr'acte was over.
During the entr'acte he stood up and surveyed the house from pit to gallery, as if he wanted to be seen.
The officer kept my fan in his hands and, instead of going out in the entr'acte, stayed and listened to our conversation.
They were quickly placed on horseback before their captors, and once more we continued our journey, highly amused with the little entr'acte.
At the third entr'acte she turned and said two words: the count left the box, and Marguerite beckoned to me to come to her.
He occupied a place that I could not reach without disturbing a large number of spectators, and I was forced to await the entr'acte.
Last night, during an entr'acte, she gave me an order to hold a million francs at her disposal before the end of the week.
The curtain went up, and Emily's contribution to the discussion had to be held over till the entr'acte.
The entr'acte stretched out long, and the chatter lost some of its eagerness, and he did not come.
It was more like an entr'acte in a farce of Molière's than a passage of real life in Castel-le-Gâchis.
"Not I. I must know some one here-I'llwait for the entr'acte."
Meanwhile, the house lights go on and the management of the convention hall presents an entr'acte entitled Wizard Wallace, Sees All, Knows All, Answers All.