A parting statement; used when one or more people in a situation, dialogue or location are leaving, while others remain.
Examples for "bye"
Examples for "bye"
1Sure, and I've already said, 'Good-bye.' Thanks for answering my question, though.
2The issue facing Nill is complicated by the Stars' upcoming bye week.
3I saw you from so long ago, the day we said good-bye.
4I'm sorry to leave without saying good-bye, but it's easier this way.
5We said good-bye with his promise to check on me still good.
1He said the squad also had a farewell party four days later.
2And so Godwin left one day quite early, without any further farewell.
3The Declaration of Independence; The Constitution, and the farewell-address of George Washington.
4It will reach you, this long farewell, only a few weeks late.
5Seven years on from Alex Ferguson's farewell, are United still in recovery?
1It was even harder saying goodbye to my family, given the circumstances.
2The last UK commissioner, Julian King, has already said goodbye to Brussels.
3Time to say goodbye Now, the time has come to say goodbye.
4Indeed, the long goodbye means there has been ample time to prepare.
5Europe is waving goodbye to the two-party politics that shaped its democracies.
1Boone bid them an affectionate adieu in silence-insilence, but in tears.
2Piers waved his cap in careless adieu, and turned the animal round.
3She clings round the lad: she bids him adieu in heartrending accents.
4This morning bade adieu in bed to the company of my wife.
5The left sole was bidding a fond adieu to the left upper.
1The old peasant bade the children good-by with tears in her eyes.
2As she took his hand in the saying of good-by she said:
3I said good-by to them and we shook hands and they left.
4To-day I shall go to the concert and say good-by to Clara.
5It stood nodding its head sorrowfully at a good-by in the snow.
1He went to Jane and shook her hand as he said goodby.
2Here Tom and Henry Blake said goodby to us and turned homeward.
3Father Brooke finds him, and the ship goes before Henry can say goodby.
4We should all have liked to have said goodby to him.
5Well, goodby, Miss Hannay, and Wilson hurried off to the roof.
1And then a couple of hours later, I was saying cheerio.
2One night we'd grab ye with the gear in the motor and it'll be cheerio Sean.
3Then say sayonara to the cap, lads, or whatever the Swedish is for cheerio, writes Kathy Sheridan.
4Ah didnay want to go, so me and Maggie just sat there and said cheerio to the sun.
5Pip-pip, cheerio, and all that rot!
1Good bye; and may our next meeting see peace upon the land.
1The Minister for Health greeted it as a good day for patients.
2The message is clear: big bang Friday was a good day's work.
3Australian voters have done a good day's work in their general election.
4It is going to be a good day, a very good day.
5Yes, Peter Marlowe thought contentedly, it's going to be a good day.
1"G'bye." I hung up, and breathed softly with relief.
2"G'bye;" and Jack Meredith turned over on his side as if he were in bed, drew up the blanket, and closed his eyes.