The action is analogous to the spark produced by a Ruhmkorffcoil.
Ruhmkorffcoil which is in action but not sparking.
A Ruhmkorffcoil may also be employed for obtaining sparks in proportion to the current emitted.
My uncle had charge of one of the Ruhmkorffcoils, I had possession of the other.
The Ruhmkorffcoil in the background; the Crookes tube in front of it; under the hand is the photographic plate in its plate-holder.
An interesting detail is that the exact moment for producing the spark is regulated by the motor itself, and the Ruhmkorffcoil is suppressed.
This pile was connected with the inductor of a small Ruhmkorffcoil, whose armature was connected with a snaffle-bit placed in the horse's mouth.
Two Ruhmkorffcoils, which, by means of a current of electricity, would ensure us a very excellent, easily carried, and certain means of obtaining light.