Non-commissioned officer's rank in many armed forces.
1Robert D. Martinez limb-loss Brian Kolfage Jr. speaks to Senior Master Sgt.
2The request left behind a clue, but that really didn't matter; once Sgt.
3Just a few weeks after the Sangin battle, crew chief Sgt.
4I walked down the corridor between the ranks of cells right beside Sgt.
5But from its orchestral experimentation and drug references to its unimpeachable songcraft, Sgt.
6I swung the door shut and locked it again, leaving Sgt.
7That's how, after a year in the planning stages, Sgt.
8It happened when we were backtracking over it, said Sgt.
9The distance from the pre-launch position: Chervonnaya interview with Sgt.
10There were ten of them, not enough to cover each individual cell, yet Sgt.
11Butch Manke, Hank Ruhl, Chuck Kaelin and Louie Baller were vocal soloists; and Sgt.
12I have to get in touch right now with Sgt.
13The policeman had a hard, young face, nothing like Sgt.
14During his second deployment to Iraq in 2004, Sgt.
15Mentions Team 4's Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technician Staff Sgt.
16The first occurred in Corona and involved two LAPD officers working a security detail, LAPD Sgt.