Examples for "thunder"
Examples for "thunder"
1The rain descended in torrents; the thunder roared, and the lightning flashed.
2There was thunder and lightning; the wind blew hard; the rain poured.
3By far the most popular divine portfolio was responsibility for thunder storms.
4Solid water swamped us; the thunder of the surf stopped the mind.
5The Red Sox, however, could match the Yankees' thunder, and then some.
1It may read thin here; it would smack racily in the playroom.
2Lives alone in a long, low building right smack on the water.
3So I gave her a good, solid smack in the same place.
4I wanted to smack Frieda for being happy about anything right now.
5The strong urge I had to smack her must have been obvious.
1I'm guessing it's 'cause of that scag fortune-teller ratting on us.
2How many bags did that scag charge us for this?
3A right salty old scag for a devil's cut!
4Vegas is so full of natural freaks-peoplewho are genuinely twisted-thatdrugs aren't really a problem, except for cops and the scag syndicate.
5Scag and Eddie were a couple of the Vipe pilots, of course.
1The big H. The man who had made my adolescence intolerable.
2You smoke some dope and then, the big H. This is our whole culture of bigger, better, stronger, faster.
3Lord Of The Mics 6: P Money vs Big H is released in 2014.
4And one of this spring's urban anthems, German Whip by Meridian Dan featuring Big H and JME, is spearheading grime's return to prominence.
5By contrast, current underground favourite Big H has achieved his status by staunchly rejecting the idea of crossing over and "prostituting" himself.
1"You see him 'round the eyes, he hide in the eyes like a speck of hell dust, but he come out from the teeth."
2The man was administering nose drops to the camel, but there are also reasonable amounts of virus in camel milk.
3It is not that expressing feelings or using nose drops does not have certain therapeutic benefits, but there is more to it than that.
1He fell sideways, retching, his gut rebelling against the onslaught of skag.
2From the streets and skag-dens of Leith, they radiated an exuberant misery.
3That'll keep them from going back on the skag.
4The ink did as the skag had before it.
5The Great Dane was not in sight but Skag knew the direction.
6India was rising clearer to Skag; even certain of her profound complexities.
7It was only a question of time; and Skag folded his arms.
8Skag had actually seen the faces of the two men just passed.
9Skag had thought about this; Carlin had doubtless done more than that.
10Skag never was at his best in trying to make words work.
11Skag went back to the mother, still using the canteen for her.
12The next morning early, she came once more and Skag was there.
13Skag looked into the man's face and found high light in it.
14Skag always thought of Cadman as the unparallelled comrade for field work.
15Skag had just made sure the beast was dead, when he heard:
16This was the going Skag had called for- anightand a day.