Aún no tenemos significados para "slightly unfocused".
1Natalie's eyes became slightly unfocused as she recalled the scene.
2But there is something slightly unfocused about them.
3Harper thought his eyes were just slightly unfocused.
4His eyes were slightly unfocused, but when he looked at me a slow, pleased smile curled his lips.
5Dale nodded, eyes slightly unfocused as he concentrated on what he was saying and as the real significance of it hit home.
6He tipped his chair even further back and gazed up at the ceiling, eyes slightly unfocused in thought, and Jason watched him silently.
7I could tell that the captain was a little drunk, the way his eyes were slightly unfocused, heavy-lidded, his full mouth partially open.
8All his brothers were intelligent, dutiful students, but Ned was in an entirely different category- aslightlyunfocused prodigy.
9402 listened, his eyes slightly unfocused and fixed upon the speaker's pale forehead.
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