Form of social disadvantage and relegation to the fringe of society.
Examples for "exclusion"
Examples for "exclusion"
1Objective: Identify risk factors for delay in the diagnosis and trial exclusion.
2The EU executive said it remained unclear how an exclusion would work.
3He said social-economic issues and fighting poverty and social exclusion were crucial.
4This Government has one last chance to tackle poverty and social exclusion.
5Excessive greenhouse gas emissions became a criterion for exclusion four years ago.
1He said social -economic issues and fighting poverty and social exclusion were crucial.
2This Government has one last chance to tackle poverty and social exclusion.
3What was lacking, he said yesterday, was a commitment to fighting social exclusion.
4It will deal with such issues as accommodation, discrimination, social exclusion and equal status.
5Ireland has relatively high rates of poverty and social exclusion.
1Such barriers undermine the basic purpose of deferred action -to stabilize the population and help people escape social marginalization.
Translations for social marginalization