Let the air be cool, her garments thin, and her food endive, lettuce, succory and barley.
She strolled away, picking tiny, pink-tipped daisies and blue succory blossoms growing in the moist green grass.
This story of the plantain is almost identical with one told in Germany of the endive or succory.
Just as blue as succory flowers.
Chicory, or succory; in poetry.
If it is caused by erosion, and salt phlegm, prepare with syrup of violets, wormwood, roses, citron peel, succory, etc.
This plant, the succory of former days, is greatly esteemed by the French, by whom it is known as barbe de capucin.
Her death was sudden, after a few days' illness; and she was seized with the malady upon drinking a glass of succory water.
The two girls were alone, standing before a vacant lot grown to weeds, rank bristles of burdock, and slender spikes of evanescent succory.
Among other flowers possessing a similar feature may be noticed the wild succory, creeping mallow, purple sandwort, small bindweed, common nipplewort, and smooth sow-thistle.
Eat sparingly, and drink only barley water or clarified whey, and eat chickens and chicken broth, boiled with endive, succory, sorrel, bugloss and mallows.
I had taken nothing for my support for two days, but a few handfuls of wild succory, which I had gathered in the fatal valley.
The Syrup of Succory is an excellent laxative for children.