A sudden and decisive change of government illegally or by force.
1The presidency indicated that it viewed the statement as a coup d'etat.
2The famous coup d'etat of that year had happened four days before.
3Four coup d'etat have taken place in Fiji over the past thirty years.
4The government accuses protesters of wanting to stage a coup d'etat.
5This is a coup d'etat for advocates of open cultural data.
6For insects, hijacking this pain response was an evolutionary coup d'etat.
7Napoleon had to organize his own coup d'etat all by himself in 1852.
8He has denounced their actions as tantamount to a coup d'etat.
9The government of Equatorial Guinea has ruled out a coup d'etat.
10Late yesterday, the EU Presidency also denounced what had happened as a coup d'etat.
11Very soon at odds with the Chamber, the prince decided on a coup d'etat.
12A coup d'etat was not beyond the pale of possibility.
13Madame encouraged this economical eform; she was accustomed to call it Jasmin's coup d'etat.
14Mendoza's coup d'etat has passed into history, and the revolution is at an end.
15It is what the French call a coup d'etat.
16This was known as the coup d'etat of Fructidor.
Translations for coup d'etat