f. engineer
Professional practitioner of engineering and its sub classes.
1The name by which the University of Cambridge, Eng., was formerly known.
2And this or something like it was my friend's:-b.U.S.A. of Eng.
3At Cambridge, Eng., a place of resort for characters of bad report.
4At the University of Cambridge, Eng., an original proposition in geometry.
5In the University of Cambridge, Eng., there are three vacations during each year.
6At the University of Cambridge, Eng., the sobriquet of a fellow-commoner.
7At Cambridge, Eng., to take or drink a dish of tea.
8President, Mrs. D. Parrel, 24 Waverley Road, Sefton Park, Liverpool, Eng.
9At Oxford and Cambridge, Eng., the rectangular courts in which the colleges are constructed.
10At the University of Oxford, Eng., the costume of the Graduates is as follows:-
11He was born at Nottingham, Eng., in the year 1795.
12Among the students of the University of Cambridge, Eng., a common name for tea.
13At the University of Cambridge, Eng., an examination which is required for the B.A.
14Eng., 1890), and a brief resume of their results is given below.
15Thomas Mills, M.P., was born at Stoke Newington, Eng., 1805.
16This is a pulley recently introduced by Messrs. J. and E. Hall, of Dartford Eng.