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Significados de large warehouses em inglês
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Uso de large warehouses em inglês
GTIS has also put two largewarehouses outside the city on the market, they added.
The North American Transportation and Trading Company has erected a saw-mill and some largewarehouses.
Her esplanade, several hundred feet in width, sweeps along the bluffs and is covered with largewarehouses.
It was a district of largewarehouses and heavy industry, the streets deserted now and poorly lighted.
Underground growing used to be reserved for mushrooms and niche crops such as forced rhubarb, grown in largewarehouses.
The ground floors in the business parts are used for largewarehouses, trucks running in to load and unload.
Meanwhile it was set on fire and, with the largewarehouses adjoining it, was burned to the foundation walls.
In the UK alone there are eight largewarehouses and 10 smaller hubs, allowing same-day delivery in big cities.
In obedience to my orders, the spices were collected from every quarter, and placed in largewarehouses secured under lock.
At Port Costa is located a grader, where, when necessary wheat can be cleaned and graded; here also are many largewarehouses.
It has extensive fruit canneries, flour mills, lumber mills, other woodworking factories, largewarehouses, paved streets, big business blocks, fine churches, schools, banks, newspapers, etc.
That pace is faster than the 8 largewarehouses that industry consultants expected Wal-Mart to build by the end of 2017.
He took a sharp left and turned in to a long alleyway between two largewarehouses, turned off the ignition, and said, "Let's go."
In the fourth quarter of 2010, only 3 million square feet came on the market -about the size of three largewarehouses.