You just don't find this sort of thing at the localmultiplex anymore.
But this isn't a movie coming to your localmultiplex -at least not this year.
A Saturday afternoon of monsoon rains was a good occasion to choose to visit a localmultiplex.
But this weekend's box office results display that significantly fewer people are going to their localmultiplex.
Graduate school dropout James Holmes, 24, was arrested immediately after the fatal spree at the localmultiplex.
In today's market, "Game Plan" looks like a better fit for the Disney Channel than the localmultiplex.
Eye Max The latest digital projection device isn't at the localmultiplex - it's coming soon to a pair of eyeballs near you.
Such running times aren't uncommon for Bollywood flicks, but stateside moviegoers can expect your localmultiplex to run roughshod over the film's built-in intermission.
Instead of crowding into a venue for the next U2 concert, fans can take it in while munching on popcorn at the localmultiplex.