NRHP criterion - design/construction.
Examples for "c"
Examples for "c"
1Results: Forty of 60 patients suffered from cP according to ERP criteria.
2Most tourists come from Germany with the UK a c lose second.
3Western blot analysis was used to measure the protein level of c-Myc.
4Conclusions: The present results confirm the surgical recommendation for cT4a laryngeal SCCs.
5The average self-published ebook costs 99c, a fact that propels the market.
1Methods: Qualitative case study design using a cognitive task analysis interviewing approach.
2Knees, despite much design work, continue to be the Duplex-5's Achilles' heel.
3Higher education computing departments also need to be involved in course design.
4Of course, Joshua understood that Rafe was working through a design problem.
5Characterizing patients at higher risk may allow the design of preventive measures.
1The crisis left energy and construction companies unable to service some debt.
2Heat safety measures have improved, particularly in the construction industry, he said.
3They bring construction work and good jobs in the fast-growing tech industry.
4The used farm and construction equipment market has grown in recent years.
5Clamadieu said Europe was marked by a slowdown in the construction market.
Translations for nrhp criterion c