Academic title at universities and other education and research institutions.
1Medical College, and since 1975 an adjunct prof. at The Rockefeller Univ.
2Of private history: In March I visited Prof. Sedgwick at Norwich.-OnMar.
3We ask Religious studies Prof. Douglas Pratt from the University of Waikato.
4William H. Taft, of Ohio; Prof. Dean C. Worcester, of Michigan; Non.
5William H. Taft, of Ohio; Prof. Dean C. Worcester, of Michigan; Hon.
6I can give you, on the authority of Prof. Treviranus in Bot.
7Prof. R. S. Lovinggood was born in Walhalla, S. C., in 1864.
8Prof. K. has found over 100 puns that nobody knew were puns.
9Rush and Prof. Lake and Prof. Reed, and see the lantern slides.
10The late Prof. Alfred Russel Wallace, the English scientist, said of Spiritualism:-
11Dr. Zimmerman: I am very grateful for the address of Prof. Fagan.
12On Hybrids, Prof. J. R. Smith, in place of Mr. Henry Hicks.
13On the other hand, Prof. Hugo Munsterberg of Harvard is attacking Esperanto.
14When released from sanitarium joined Prof. George Baker's 47 Workshop at Harvard.
15In presence of Mr. Field, Prof. Arnold called Emmett's attention to this.
16Powell quotes Prof. Francis Newman of University College, London, as declaring that-