This was also found for CMAPs from tibialnerve originating well below the cervical lesion level.
H-reflexes were elicited by an electrical stimulation of the tibialnerve at the popliteal fossa at the knee.
This progressive functional impairment was in contrast to the mild demyelinating neuropathy of the tibialnerve revealed by histology.
Nevertheless, we report two cases with unfortunate complications: the posterior tibial artery and tibialnerve were damaged during the procedures.
External myelinated fibre diameter in the tibialnerve was significantly less in untreated diabetic rats as compared with age-matched controls.
All patients presented with uni- or bilateral damage of the common fibular nerve, with less frequent involvement of the tibialnerve.
Absence or depressed amplitude of SEP components was seen more commonly with tibialnerve stimulation as compared with median nerve stimulation.
A procedure for placing a crush lesion in the sciatic and tibialnerve of the rat based on anatomical landmarks is described.
He had a slowly growing tibialnerve neurilemmoma that was excised at 28 years of age; however, the pain and tingling sensation persisted.
The median nerve SEPs were abnormal in half the cases whereas the tibialnerve SEPs were abnormal in 90% of cases.
Study design: The authors have developed technique of using anterior neck derivations to record posterior tibialnerve N28 during operative somatosensory-evoked potential monitoring.