The sound made by the vibration of vocal folds modified by the resonance of the vocal tract.
Examples for "voice "
Examples for "voice "
1 Talk to the public information officer. Abrams' voice belied his tough talk.
2 Nothing happened: 'there was no voice , no answer, no attention given them.'
3 It's a controversial idea: allowing children a voice in public policy decisions.
4 Mr Nally has also given a voice to the victims of crime.
5 Raising his right hand he said in a clear and commanding voice :
1 Results showed that a population of motor neurons specifically fire during vocalization .
2 Most clinical events were brief and confined to vocalization or limb movements.
3 Speech may be called the prose, and song the poetry of vocalization .
4 His vocalization was unexceptionably pure, and his style was manly and noble.
5 I was greeted with joyous clapping, singing, and ululating, the great African vocalization .
1 All but one patient had improved swallowing and phonation after the procedure.
2 Impairment in phonation is especially severe in patients with respiratory dysfunction.
3 The voluntary control of phonation is a crucial achievement in the evolution of speech.
4 At phonation the bands are drawn toward each other, meeting just as it commences.
5 There was increase in fundamental frequency, maximum phonation time and self-reference voice-related quality of life.
1 It's one of the clearest cases of where a vocalisation comes from.
2 These behaviours all require her to control her vocalisation and breathing.
3 Mr. Direck felt they were going back, back, in spite of all this vocalisation .
4 Pathetically cheerful that pum, pum, hopelessly cheerful indeed against the dirge of the air, a dirge accentuated by sporadic vocalisation .
5 Even after only a few minutes' vocalisation on this subject a deadly infection seems to creep into the air-theinfection of priggishness.
1 The aged pianist had often listened to her vocalism with enraptured gaze, and she believed he, too, was her slave.
2 In this city Emma lived for four years, during most of which time she received instruction in vocalism from the venerable Professor Perkins.
3 Emile, for his part, was equally interested in her exploits in vocalism , which he found as extraordinary and unexpected as everything else about her.
4 Squabbling believably, Chen and Chiu have the body language and shorthand vocalisms of genuine siblings.
5 Vocalism , measure, concentration, determination, and the divine power to speak words;
1 You merely need to set up communications between myself and another vox .
2 He has touched the vox humana stop of the crowd; it fairly roars.
3 A quick vox pop suggests he's not alone in that view.
4 The vox humana of a Hammond organ sobbed among the clouds.
5 She always spoke in a hushed vox tremulo, and never played any rough games.
6 Last week, I conducted a rudimentary vox pop of Celtic fans all over Glasgow.
7 Ah, the perils of getting vox pops live on television.
8 In the third place, he has learned much by what is called the vox viva.
9 The rumblings of vox populi were hard to interpret.
10 Then surely, if ever, vox populi is vox coeli.
11 Have you declared me to be a fake to the whole of Hollow World, vox ?
12 I've actually gotten on quite well with Balmore, Pol-789's vox , as a result of arranging meetings.
13 Without spending a dime, your vox POP pal has been added as a new RocketTalk member.
14 I want you to contact Pol-789's vox .
15 She never learned how to seize a demon's vox like you did that day in your bathroom.
16 While thus controverting the so- called vox Dei (are not popular opinions generally popular prejudices?)
Other examples for "vox"
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