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Значения термина adult obesity на английском
Значения для термина "adult obesity" отсутствуют.
Использование термина adult obesity на английском
Conclusions: This research demonstrated a remarkably consistent association between childhood abuse and adultobesity.
This growth pattern confers increased childhood and adultobesity risks.
The WOF's estimates show adultobesity continuing its steady climb.
New Zealand has the third highest adultobesity rate in the OECD and it is increasing.
Conclusions: Childhood obesity remains a risk factor for adult T2DM separate from its effects on adultobesity.
Background: The purpose of this study was to assess the association between childhood abuse and adultobesity.
New Zealand has the third highest adultobesity rate in the OECD, and our rates are rising.
Conclusions: High preschool BMI is consistently associated with adultobesity, central obesity and early onset metabolic syndrome.
Male-female differences in these adolescent behaviors did not appear to underlie the gender gap in young adultobesity.
In addition, early feed restriction might have induced prolonged metabolic programming in chicks and led to adultobesity.
Discussion: We identified few natural experiments reporting on the effectiveness of programs, policies, and built-environment changes on adultobesity.
In addition, it is recommended that a similar outcome measures framework is produced to support evaluation of adultobesity programmes.
Just three studies measured adultobesity; two indicated increased income and consequential food affordability had the potential to increase obesity.
Background: This systematic review identifies programs, policies, and built-environment changes targeting prevention and control of adultobesity and evaluates their effectiveness.
Background: Early menarche tends to be preceded by rapid infancy weight gain and is associated with increased childhood and adultobesity risk.
And that low-birthweight is itself associated with adultobesity risk, which could explain the link to later-life obesity seen in other studies.