There were no fetaldeaths in the inpatient group and there were three fetaldeaths in the outpatient group.
The population of the study comprised all fetaldeaths taking place in the year 2014, of people resident in the town.
The FDA has cited five fetaldeaths in women who became pregnant after using Essure, two metal coils inserted into the fallopian tubes.
Risk "shift" may be a concern in that the reduction in neonatal deaths may be due to an increase in fetaldeaths (stillbirths).
Around 20 % of fetaldeaths were related to congenital disorders with approximately 5 % of those being NTDs.
Cases included live births, stillbirths, and fetaldeaths at less than 20 weeks' gestation born in Alberta, Canada, between 1995 and 2002.
The completeness of the report forms of 68 fetaldeaths, and 13 variables in the death certificates, before and after the investigation, was analyzed.
Methods: We used The Paris Registry of Congenital Malformation data on 594 cases of Down syndrome (live births, fetaldeaths, and pregnancy terminations) from 2001-2006.