The 3rd letter in the Greek alphabet.
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1Inclusion of fish oil in diet had no effect on IFN- γ concentration.
2As a model system undergoing LLPS we used the globular eye-lens protein γD-crystallin.
3The activity of these γ neurons control the motivational drive for social interaction.
4In TwiST, the acquisition with γ-ATP saturation and short repetition time is dropped.
5The star γ Leonis is a closer and more beautiful double.
6An investigation of the published γ emission intensities shows significant discrepancies that require resolution.
7One of the finest ternary systems is that of γ in Andromeda, above mentioned.
8PA28γ depletion leads to cellular radiomimetic sensitivity and a marked delay in DSB repair.
9Furthermore, their mutation reduces the residence time of HP1γ on chromatin in differentiating mESCs.
10The hepatic steatosis and damage induced by ethanol administration were attenuated in IL-32γ mice.
11Combined treatments exhibited significantly higher γH2Ax levels compared with controls.
12By introducing a third time-system γ, parallel rects are obtained.
13Selective x-ray radiation therapy of the noninvasively defined orthotopic mass was confirmed using γH2AX staining.
14For assessment of DNA repair efficacy, resolution of γH2AX accumulation was studied after ionizing radiation.
15Fc receptor γ was indispensable for both efficient surface expression and activating functions of CD300C.
16We focused on periods of quiet rest, which show strong γ activity in HD mice.