Tubular passage of mucous membrane and muscle extending about 8.3 meters from mouth to anus; functions in digestion and elimination.
Examples for "gut"
Examples for "gut"
1Recent advancements highlight the important role of gut microbiome in human health.
2You know the doctor said they contributed to your little gut problem.
3We're just going through the process to make sure your gut's right.
4The human gut microbiota is involved in host health and disease development.
5Background: How the gut microbiota regulates intestinal homeostasis is not completely clear.
1On the other hand, the alimentary canal becomes a most extensive organ.
2The initial signs of poisoning are referable to the alimentary canal.
3The inner tube was the alimentary canal with its special muscles.
4Anus, posterior opening of the alimentary canal, through which the excrements are expelled.
5While the alimentary canal is closing, the body-wall also closes on all sides.
1The result is an increased liability to fermentation in the alimentary tract.
2The result is fermentation and an acid state of the alimentary tract.
3Fruits are cleansers, both of the alimentary tract and of the blood.
4It can involve the entire alimentary tract and usually produces mucosal ulceration.
5Aim: To study the bioadhesive property of carbomer934 in dog alimentary tract.
1Surgeons spent over three hours mending his wounded stomach and digestive tube.
2Sausage casings were traditionally various parts of the animal digestive tube.
3The dark, sometimes gritty "vein" along the tail muscle is actually the end of the digestive tube.
4The work of digestion is chiefly done in the digestive tube or canal, which is about thirty feet in length.
5Was I not justified in asserting that the unity of the animal plan is to be found in the digestive tube?
1The natural avenues of infection are the maternal passages and digestive tract.
2The salivary microbiota is constantly swallowed and delivered to the digestive tract.
3A varied diet may have a favorable role against digestive tract cancers.
4Her circulation coursed through the creature's digestive tract, adding to its color.
5The damned monster has a very efficient digestive tract, if nothing else.
1However, very little is known about their function in the gastrointestinal tract.
2Polio is caused by a virus that attacks the human gastrointestinal tract.
3For the investigation of the gastrointestinal tract, six sonographic approaches are described.
4Direct tumor invasion into the gastrointestinal tract was found in three patients.
5Acute GVHD of the gastrointestinal tract presents both diagnostic and therapeutic challenges.
1Conclusions: Patients with NM from GI tract adenocarcinomas universally had poor outcomes.
2Except cutaneous, other less common melanomas include, among others, those in the GI tract.
3All had at least one normal evaluation of the GI tract, including capsule endoscopy.
4And all the while, the rest of your GI tract is getting wrecked, too.
5It is important to avoid misdiagnosing LCH of the upper- GI tract as a malignant neoplasm.
6Thus, current imaging approaches lack the sensitivity and specificity to accurately detect incipient GI tract cancers.
7In addition to the upper GI tract, NSAIDs can damage the small bowel and the colon.
8Motility of individual parts of the gastrointestinal tract ( GI tract), however, could be well demonstrated.
9Of 96 oGPCRs with significant mRNA expression in the GI tract, several oGPCRs showed unique expression patterns.
10Lower GI tract lesions were diagnosed in 34 %.
11Gastrointestinal (GI ) adverse events are commonly reported; however, few reports describe upper GI tract toxic effects.
12However, reconstitution of the GI tract in humanized mice has been difficult and highly variable in different systems.
13We describe the bacterial taxa present in different locations of the GI tract, and their specific metabolic features.
14Background: Patients with iron deficiency anemia are subjected to multiple endoscopic and radiologic examinations of the GI tract.
15Apixaban absorption decreased progressively along the GI tract, indicating that absorption occurs primarily in the upper GI tract.
16Results: All CYP genes were expressed at all locations throughout the GI tract, although all showed substantial interindividual variation.
Translations for GI tract