A beautiful garden where Adam and Eve were placed at the Creation; when they disobeyed and ate the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil they were driven from their paradise (the fall of man)
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Examples for "Eden "
Examples for "Eden "
1 And he didn't; this was an entirely different work, this new Eden .
2 But in the end we thought New Eden was the best choice.
3 The Eden Project is also working on projects in China, and Australia.
4 All the citizens of New Eden will be informed of the details.
5 Few of these long passes, however, found Eden Hazard on the run.
1 Being the Adventures of an Official Artist in the Garden of Eden
2 We were at the same old stand in the Garden of Eden .
3 With the Two in the Garden of Eden there were happy animals.
4 They put me in mind of the Garden of Eden - the rib story.
5 This set could be the second apple in the Garden of Eden .
6 Ros's speech had improved in our time at the Garden of Eden .
7 She's been imprisoned in the Garden of Eden by her own hand.
8 For nature lovers and adventure seekers, this is the Garden of Eden .
9 My life has scarcely been a Garden of Eden before the Fall.
10 But that reminded him of Adam's excuse in the Garden of Eden .
11 Free to go together and find once more their Garden of Eden .
12 In two year that spot'll be bloomin' like the Garden of Eden .
13 My wish, you see, is to discover Garden of Eden there.''
14 The first thing we know of Him is in the Garden of Eden .
15 The axe-grinding industry had its origin in the Garden of Eden .
16 MANY people believe the Garden of Eden was somewhere in Africa.
Més exemples per a "Garden of Eden"
Gramàtica, pronunciació i més
Translations for Garden of Eden