Jewish holy days observed with particular solemnity.
1Was this some kind of High Holiday joke to amuse God on Rosh Hashanah?
2For instance, I'm consistently stirred by the low-key, non-dressy Jewish High Holiday services at the Los Angeles Zen Center.
4Police are normally only present at the synagogue for security on high holidays.
5I was at a farm-house once when some high holiday was being celebrated.
6Passing through Carnforth on my way, I found the town keeping high holiday.
7A shipload of tourists in high holiday spirits cavorted around him.
8Synagogue officials said police would only normally have been present for security on high holidays.
9The sisterhood, abstemious nearly all the days of the year, feasted on certain high holidays.
10They are not harvesting now: they are refreshing themselves, holding high holiday, teasing one another.
11The devil is resolved to make high holiday:
12Kept high holiday there, and many a time
13It was steak and butter and thick red wine that gods ate on the high holidays of their divinity.
14According to their custom after successful war, they boiled beans, held the feast of victory, and kept high holiday.
15Mick was a farmer and a force that came to life on the high holidays of this Celtic land.
16But, as xkcd's inimitable Randall Munroe recently pointed out, the songs currently on high holiday rotation are a bit over-focused.
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Translations for High Holiday