Ancient Greek statue of a woman of the Archaic period.
(Greek mythology) daughter of Zeus and Demeter; made queen of the underworld by Pluto in ancient mythology; identified with Roman Proserpina.
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A Munda language spoken primarily in Rajshahi Division, Bangladesh.
Extinct language of Kenya.
1For Kore they have called her, and Malkah, and Betulah, and Persephone.
2At last they throw the torches into the river, crying, Ha, Kore!
3Farhadi is greatly admired and Kore-eda is becoming a modern great.
4She successfully applied to the Sustainable Management Fund -and Para Kore began.
5Hirokazu Kore-Eda looks set to gain a seat beside those masters.
6Hirokazu Kore-eda's Like Father Like Son could not look more different.
7Like Kore, isn't Isis wed to the lord of the dead?
8Binoche said she was thrilled to finally work with Kore-eda.
9So far the attributes of Demeter and Kore are similar.
10Aidoneus snatched the maiden Kore down to his gloomy empire.
11What are the some of the obstacles to Para Kore?
12As I recall, Hades had a singular obsession with Kore.
13I obeyed and, following Kore to a table, sat down.
14Call me Hecate or Cybele, Venus or Inanna, Neith or Tanit, Kore or Demeter.
15Pine says that since Para Kore began he has created 35 wheelie bins of Bokashi.
16Examples of the Maiden Goddess in this guise include Brighid, Flora, Kore, Minerva, and Sesheta.