A French girl, now living in this country, happened to see a picture of her brother in a newsreel about the Maquis.
Some of the French Maquis I worked with, during the war, could have wiped out the whole family, one after the other, that way.
The visitor drives through the maquis with the father and son.
By mid-afternoon they came to the edge of the maquis.
The view in the late afternoon sun over the maquis from the terrace was wonderful.
The forest was worse than the maquis.
How he longed to share his enthusiasm with his father or his brother, as he rambled through the neighbouring maquis!
Rand leaned over and spat into the brass cuspidor, a gesture of braggadocio he had picked up among the French maquis.
I am keen to create little colonies of Mediterranean plants in the less-travelled parts of the paths, mimicking the maquis of Italy.
A teenage girl recalls the night she visited a maquis, an open-air restaurant, with her school friends after the official end of the conflict.
The goblins from the Quirmian maquis had passed news back to their friends about the opportunities in the Big Wahoonie, which they seized with alacrity.