Creeping woody plant of eastern North America with shiny evergreen leaves and scarlet berries.
Examples for "boxberry"
Examples for "boxberry"
1Some people call it the boxberry; and some call it wintergreen.
2Have no objection, either, to his bringing Elinor boxberry plums.
3I never read yet of any maiden losing her heart on boxberry plums; though, to be sure, he might bewitch them.
4Boxberry, fever-bush, sweet fern, and horseradish make a good and healthy diet-drink.
5'O, he don't bring me nigh boxberries enough,' says Elinor, laughing.
1The partridgeberry likes pine forests and dry woods.
2Another ground berry is the partridgeberry.
3The midwife made charm after charm for the ewes and the goats, the apothecary made infusions of partridgeberry and milk thistle.
1Mitchella repens, pollen-grains of the long-styled a little smaller.
2Mitchella repens: 20: 47.