Evidently the best ingredient in the bitters was the solvent, not the Peruvianbark.
This is the celebrated Peruvianbark, to which the name of chinchona has been given.
They do not go to Peru on a Peruvianbark, but on an English steamer.
Under the last head fall tobacco, tea, coffee, cocoa, sugar, Peruvianbark and other drugs.
Still more recently, quinia taking the place of Peruvianbark, the old plan of administering large doses has been resumed.
Wild nations trust to simples; and, perhaps, the Peruvianbark is not the only specifick which those extensive regions may afford us.
For "tartar emetic," give Peruvianbark and water, (or a strong decoction of green tea, if you have not the bark.)
Lime-water with a little Peruvianbark is very good to be occasionally used by those who have defective teeth, or an offensive breath.
How should we be handicapped if we still had to fight malarial disease with the crude Peruvianbark instead of its chief alkaloid, quinine!
Take Peruvianbark, two ounces; wild cherry tree bark, 1 ounce; cinnamon, one drachm; powdered capsicum, one teaspoonful; sulphur, one ounce; port wine, two quarts.
A little Peruvianbark put in the teeth just before going to bed, and washed out in the morning, is an excellent preservative of teeth.
I send off all who are able to walk about, and have to feed the inhabitants of my hospital with Indian corn and Peruvianbark.
I had last evening applyed a poltice of peruvianbarks at 1 P.M.
For the vertigo arising from indigestion, the peruvianbark and a blister are recommended.