Latin term meaning "from the beginning"
Examples for "initially"
Examples for "initially"
1The company confirmed Mr Kroll's age after police had initially said 35.
2He said initially children aged six and seven would benefit next year.
3Russia initially pledged 500 million rubles in support for the stock market.
4However he said Spark initially ran into problems communicating with its customers.
5Industry officials had initially said it could come as early as Friday.
1However, as before mentioned, the result was at first almost exactly opposite.
2The other problem: the longer-acting methods are far more expensive, at first.
3Free State: Fog in the east at first, otherwise fine and cool.
4Prolific club form hints at first Irish try if given the chance.
5Is it possible to schedule another meeting at first light tomorrow morning?
1But let me make one fact very clear right at the start.
2They merged their thermal power businesses at the start of this year.
3Since China banned plastic imports at the start of the year… Audio
4He was also present at the start of hip-hop's so-called golden age.
5New Zealand changed their game at the start of the second half.
1An ab initio study of six carbon-to-carbon identity proton transfers is reported.
2Quod ab initio injustum est, nullum potest habere juris efectum, said Grotius.
3The first ab initio calculations in the coupled cluster framework are also presented.
4The orientation of the magnetic anisotropy axis is analyzed using ab initio calculations.
5The ab initio calculations show that none of these motifs is energetically preferred.
6Waterford offers an ab initio diploma and a one-year add-on degree.
7The origin of the behaviours of the complex was elucidated by ab initio calculations.
8The students were enrolled on certificate, ab initio diploma and ab initio degree courses.
9We have studied the additivity of the anion-pi interaction using high level ab initio calculations.
10If so, the growth of civilisation would have to begin again, but not ab initio.
11We describe a new tool, GeneMarkS-T, for ab initio identification of protein-coding regions in RNA transcripts.
12Reaction profiles are first calculated for a limited solvation environment using ab initio and density functional methods.
13The pressure evolution of the structure is investigated using neutron powder diffraction combined with ab initio calculations.
14And indeed, there are some ab initio language degrees where you can start the language from scratch, too.
15This year, AIT's new four-year ab initio degree will appear on the CAO list for the first time ever.
16Conclusion: Comprehensive A. gambiae genome reannotation is achieved through a combination of comparative and ab initio gene prediction algorithms.
Translations for ab initio