Relinquishment under law.
Examples for "abandon"
Examples for "abandon"
1MANY third level students will abandon lectures today to hold protest demonstrations.
2King's Landing was lost, all agreed; they must need abandon the city.
3A preliminary injunction often leads to companies deciding to abandon their deal.
4Cut production; abandon the factories in the immediate path of the Grass.
5They suffered a good deal and had to abandon their home, twice.
1Apparently, Aria's refusal to help free the panthers was grounds for abandonment.
2Catherine knew it was too late; there was an abandonment of hope.
3The one option not on the table is abandonment of nuclear weapons.
4After years of abandonment, she still awaits her husband's return from Britain.
5Who knows what instigates this transformation, trauma or abuse or simple abandonment.
1Another is that the new government abandons its plan for European integration.
2Kagiso abandons body of her calf after keeping vigil for three days.
3I don't need someone who abandons me just when I need him.
4In so doing, however, he abandons the inductive method of natural science.
5He abandons Communism intellectually, yet he needs an emotional substitute for it.
1The loquacity of the Netherlanders was a continual reproach upon his taciturnity.
2DuQuesne studied the metal, and was shaken out of his habitual taciturnity.
3That's how Bennett succeeds in conveying the tenderness beneath his characters' taciturnity.
4But the old man on his return maintained his taciturnity and self-composure.
5If the priest perceived these new signs of taciturnity, he ignored them.
1After about a ten minute walk, we came to the abandoned house.
2How again did you know it was him in the abandoned house?
3I kept imagining Caleb in an abandoned house, his leg badly infected.
4There's an abandoned house down the road where they all hang out.'
5Living in an abandoned house in Sunset Park with some other people.
Translations for abandonment of wife and children