Document submitted in support of candidature for an academic degree.
Examples for "thesis"
Examples for "thesis"
1The thesis of unaffordability was, however, wrongly argued for reasons already discussed.
2The direct attacks the reason for the thesis; the indirect, its results.
3Said it was the best doctoral thesis he'd seen his entire tenure.
4Can it be used as a thesis statement to open your review?
5He laid down as his fundamental thesis that the Revolution was inevitable.
1Madariaga was perhaps beyond criticism in a doctoral dissertation in Great Britain.
2Had she been up for the ASAA dissertation prize that year too?
3For my dissertation project, I have to produce a TV documentary treatment.
4One freshman, to start conversation, went into a long dissertation on tea.
5Among marine scientists, her dissertation is still referred to as a landmark.
1Her father told Mexican media she was a drama student working on an academic thesis in Ecuador.
2Mentor's wife had her incomplete academic thesis stored on the hard-disk; that went, too, and so did the couple's telephone.
1People might ignore the academic dissertations, but those were just a hook to entice rentals of the films of John Woo.
Translations for academic dissertation