Encara no tenim significats per a "actual records".
1You'll find the actual records of the meeting deposited in the usual place in the state of your incorporation.
2The first actual records of the town are dated 1248, when William de Longespée gave it its first charter.
3Many who played on the actual records and toured with the Starman are paying tribute to the chameleon of pop.
4There is a tendency for teams with large differences between Pythagorean and actual records to regress toward norms the next season.
5It is possible that the army of the Parliament destroyed the castle in the Civil War, though no actual records prove this.
6But aside from its scientific aspect-aside from the absurdity of the question-letus examine the facts as revealed by actual records of cases.
7That's saying a lot considering the lack of refined post-production work on the record, and the fact that Sobhany is not spinning any actual records.
8But, though the origin of polity is dubious, we are upon the terra firma of actual records when we speak of the preservation of polities.
9The actual records are lacking, but such hints and surmises as we have do not warrant our thinking of him as a self-centred, unsociable youth.
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