Encara no tenim significats per a "administer consolation".
1Moreover, she did not neglect to administer consolation of a material kind.
2Hazel looked so ill that Sally tried to administer consolation.
3How mighty is the power of his benevolence to dispense succor, to administer consolation!
4Kettle, however, lagged behind to administer consolation to Broussard.
5Observing that her daughter was in tears, and feeling sincerely distressed by the discovery, she was eager to administer consolation.
6Griffin offered a few words of condolence, but he was also too much mortified to be very able to administer consolation.
7He roars out the agony of his philanthropic spirit to Lola and myself, who administer consolation and the cold mutton that he loves.
8With such words did the daughter administer consolation to the afflicted, when hearing that her husband had forsaken her and sailed for a foreign port.
9She seemed formed to weep with those who weep, to sympathize with those who were distressed, to administer consolation to the torn heart of affliction.
10He was himself under a similar cloud, from the failure of "Love Triumphant," and therefore in a fit mood to administer consolation to his friend.
11Mr. Pericles administered consolation to his moustache by twisting it into long waxy points.
12He had a most efficacious method of administering consolation.
13Samuel administered consolation before he said good-night.
14We next find Mrs. Graham administering consolation and imparting instruction to a lady residing near Boston, Mrs. C--.
15The lively dame who sat by my side had now the word; she was administering consolations and philosophy to the young widow.
16Finding she was incapable of administering consolation, she was about to quit the room, when the Doctor, recovering himself, called after her.
Aquesta col·locació està formada per:
Administer consolation a través del temps
Administer consolation per variant geogràfica