Concept of God in the Jewish faith.
1All peoples will be merged into one, acknowledging the one God Adonai.
2Adonai's wisdom is sound and I thank him for the lesson.
3The people have introduced a new God called Adonai or Adonis.
4Adonai or Adon, the Phoenician name for the Sun God, 587-u.
5Whether he be called El, Jehovah, or Adonai, he is the same Lord.
6Adonai knows, and He only, whether we did good or bad.
7Then throwing up his hands and eyes he cried aloud: Hear me Adonai!
8The most potent of the names of Deity is ADONAI.
9But Adonai was sprinting for his third bottle of water.
10He is called Adonai, Tetragrammaton, Jehovah, Otheres, Athanatos and Schyros.
11O hand of the Most High, O hand of Adonai!
12The word Adonai signifies Sovereign Creator of all things.
13Then, and then alone, doth he know the Adonai.
14What is the explanation of the great word, Adonai?
15May Adonai forgive us all!-Myson, what dost thou mean to do with the child?
16Today Bacchus and I visited Adonai, who had been told of my interest in mathematics and architecture.