Conclusions: Structural modifications of adventitiousroots suggest increased contribution of apoplastic bypass to water flow.
In the present study, we examined structural and functional modifications in adventitiousroots of tamarack seedlings to explain their flooding tolerance.
The adventitiousroots in flooded plants also exhibited retarded xylem and endodermal development and accumulated numerous starch grains in the cortex.
In many Dicotyledons and most Monocotyledons, the primary root soon perishes, and its place is taken by adventitiousroots developed from the stem.
Whereas adventitiousroots generally form from the base of cuttings, this process is accompanied by physiological changes in leaves, which supply assimilates and metabolites.
The single stem of youth frequently deteriorates and occasionally disappears altogether, adventitiousroots, descending from various heights, forming an elaborate and sure and ever-developing support.
Background: A lack of competence to form adventitiousroots by cuttings of Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium) is an obstacle for the rapid fixation of elite genotypes.