Ethnic group in Ethiopia.
Examples for "karate"
Examples for "karate"
1He soon gave up karate lessons in favor of his new passion.
2The karate community feels sadness, frustration and above all impotence right now.
3Dev picks at the foam atop his cocoa, saying, Dan knows karate.
4I had this huge number of karate moves which I had named.
5He had lifted weights throughout high school and college and practiced karate.
1Then if Pedro Gato will only give the order-began the foreman.
2No sooner was Gato upright than he threw himself down once more.
3For Pedro Gato lay flat on the ground, Nicolas bending over him.
4Though Gato snarled, he allowed himself to be hoisted to his feet.
5This fellow, Gato, is a rascal whom I had occasion to thrash.
Translations for af-kareti