Combat between aircraft, conducted at close range.
1The soldier's attitude is often that of Captain Ball, the boy who did such wonders in the air fight:-
2Like most Air Force top guns, Maultsby firmly believed that he could "whip anybody else in an air fight."
3Since we got all that working we have heard nothing of a machine gun jamming in any air fight at all....
4On Sunday and Monday there were up to 11 helicopters in the air fighting the fire.
5The dark legions of Air fight for us!
6United States anti-aircraft guns firing at German planes; Germans firing at us; air fights in the sky above.
7'Hier ruht ein tapferer Engländer, gefallen im Luftkampf' (Here lies a brave Englishman, fallen in the air fight), etc., etc.
8"If, as you say, we cannot fight empty air , Tars Tarkas," I replied, "neither, on the other hand, can empty air fight us.
Translations for air fight