An ancient Iranian people.
1As the sun went down, Alani watched the war from the ground.
2It was overkill to threaten the man's family and Alani knew it.
3For the next several hours the room grew dark with Alani's counsel.
4Alani's men had carried tiny cells, barely the size of chicken eggs.
5Alani said another obstacle to regional cooperation was related to finances and sovereignty.
6The neighbouring people were formerly known under the name of Huns and Alani.
7That was when Alani had taken a glider to the ground.
8Alani cursed and smoked his pipe from his hidden vantage south of Clefthollow.
9When they lulled into glassy stupors Alani's men moved them to the galley.
10Old Peter Stuyvesant, Alani Beach archivist, decides to go on the air live.
11Caliph could see Alani read his mood: somewhere between coal and cellar black.
12Alani ended his smoke and tapped the dottle into his palm.
13Alani fell out onto a hard metal floor covered with lumpy, bloody frost.
14Alani smiled and made the southern hand sign for yes.
15Alani helped his fellows escape their fleshy prisons: nine handpicked agents under his command.
16His father was a Goth, and his mother of the nation of the Alani.