Place in a line or arrange so as to be parallel or straight.
1I write aline only to tell you that my marriage is broken off.
2Guide them by mind, aline them by courtesy; they will learn shame and grow good.
3Some vitamins, some glu... cose, an eensy cc of adren... aline if all else fails.
4She felt briefly sorry for Aline, a pawn in a complex game.
5Aline decided; she sank down into a proper curtsy before the King.
6Aline says she doesn't think she could live in a monogamous relationship.
7Well devil take it-youthink the same of me as Aline does.
8Albert and Aline were at the castle gate as they rode up.
9The girl was Aline Peters; the young man's name was George Emerson.
10Aline Gardner was a younger edition of her mother, lacking the cordiality.
11That would take all the poetry out of Aline, destroy her personality.
12But, Miss Aline, it does not seem to be the least good.
13Anger at his obstinacy and her own failure lost Aline her self-control.
14Aline de Kercadiou, the niece of Quintin de Kercadiou, Lord of Gavrillac.
15I hate to say it, but Aline is a seeker after titles.
16Aline and I might be mistaken about the girl's feelings for Ian.